The microprocessor-based control system selects the lowest heating power necessary to maintain the desired water temperature in the aquarium. If needed the microprocessor optimally increases or decreases the heating power to maintain the temperature set. With the Smart Heating System the water temperature amplitude is smaller thanks to a more consistent operation. Additionally the SHS operates in a way that has a positive eect on the longevity of the heating element and heater lifespan. The heater is regulated using a very convenient ONE-TOUCH system consisting of a single button and a ring of LEDs indicating the current and programmed temperature. The electronic thermostat is very precise (+/- 0.5°C) and maintains constant temperature in the aquarium ensuring thermal comfort for even the most sensitive species of aquarium animals. The temperature control range is between 68 and 94°F meaning that the heater can be used to treat many fish diseases such as the so-called white spot disease (ichthyophthiriasis). The ULTRA HEATER also has a built-in warning system in case of water overheating. Thanks to the break-resistant casing made of durable plastic the ULTRA HEATER is perfect for tanks with big strong fish or even turtles. It is also completely safe and do not burn the aquarium inhabitants even sensitive ones like catfish or rays.
Aquael Ultra Heater 100W Plastic Heater
The microprocessor-based control system selects the lowest heating power necessary to maintain the desired water temperature in the aquarium. If ne…
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